The good thing about that, is that it adds something if you go on to watch the MTV show, also featuring Nev Schulman, because on that show, it really does feel like we’re nabbing internet trolls. After viewing it, you may likely come away wondering if this was all set up.
Should you bother to see it after the premise has now become common knowledge and we’ve moved on to a TV show? Yes, it is worth the ride. At this point, the opposite may hold true. The pitch during the original run of “Catfish” was that you were better off knowing as little as possible about it before viewing. Here is where we start to enter spoiler territory so beware. However, the MTV show would beg to differ. It now feels like something that couldn’t possibly happen today. Is Swarbrick some sort of mumblecore film buff? Not so much.
It’s interesting how Notre Dame’s athletic director, Jack Swarbrick, referenced this movie in trying to explain the current Manti Te’o story. Just like our celebrated sports hero, Notre Dame’s star linebacker, Manti Te’o, this is supposed to be the story of a young man falling prey to an elaborate hoax. Nev Schulman is the star of this movie and plays the role of a naive guy (or plays himself) and gets caught up in an online romance until we get to the big twist. That’s the serious theme to consider and not lose sight of in comparison to the controversy over whether “Catfish” is a documentary or a hoax itself.

To catfish or not to catfish? That is the question many people have dealt with and some have chosen to partake in the twisted game of deception and self-delusion. The movie, and it’s TV version, seem to offer a new vantage point on the ills of virtual reality and, who knows, may spark some soul-searching. With the success of the MTV show, more has been added to the core definition that sort of confuses the issue.

All you need to know is that a “catfish” is someone trolling the net pretending to be someone else and that this movie has the distinction of coining the term. This review will assume little to no prior knowledge of the movie or even the term, “ catfish,” although we’ve already reached the tipping point on this one. And now, there’s people getting up to speed since the Manti Te’o catfish caper. There used to be two “Catfish” groups: those who had never heard of the 2010 movie, or the MTV show it inspired and those hip to the whole thing.